A Disclaimer

Itinerary Earth is dedicated to travel.

There are countless travel websites out there, but we do things just a little bit differently here. There will be tips, tricks, and guides, but you will find a suspicious lack of advertising. Likewise, we will only support brands and products that we use in our travels. Our official social media accounts will of course have the requisite advertising you can’t avoid through the platform, but that isn’t something we can prevent. The only advertising we will do is for Itinerary Earth products and services and for those products and services that we endorse personally.

You will not find any content encouraging you to sign up for credit cards or other financial instruments to fund your travels, because we believe in the power of experiences over things. You want travel to become and remain positive, which becomes next to impossible when there is a bill waiting for you when you get home. A little careful planning and saving goes a long way, and we will always encourage you to travel in a fiscally responsible manner. Is it boring? Probably. But you’ll get to do it more often and enjoy the peace of mind of knowing you aren’t crippling yourself financially.

While we believe there is nothing inherently wrong about luxury travel, you will not find that kind of content here either. Less is more in many aspects of life, and we believe it’s certainly the case when traveling.

Direct support from fellow travel enthusiasts helps us maintain the website, produce quality content across platforms, and most importantly, continue traveling.

Thank you for making the dream real. We hope to see some of you out there experiencing the thrills that only travel can provide.