
Day 1 in the books visiting Dublin.  Started the morning with some work and then grabbed an Uber to St. Stephen’s Green.  This was a perfect start to the day.  A little communing with nature in the middle of a bustling city.  It is the toned down version of Central Park.  It was a luscious green landscape in the middle of a concrete jungle.  Absolutely gorgeous and got me hooked to see more of Dublin.

Since I had no particular plans I just walked around Dublin all day.  Did circles around the city center to see it all.  Stopped in to a place called the Porter House and had a porter and some fish and chips, and went to another place referred to as the Queen of Tarts for a bit of dessert goodness.  After all that food I decided I’d walk it off and hoof it all the way back to my AirBnB which was a few miles out of the center.

I’ve planned a trip to the Cliffs of Moher for Thursday which I am looking forward to very much and now I just need to pick some sights to see tomorrow and Wednesday to cap off a fine trip.  Guinness and Jameson don’t sound half bad…  When in Dublin, I suppose!

With love from Dublin.

Capture the flags!

Now that my journeys around the world have officially begun, I am expanding my comfort zone even more.  I’ve started to collect flags of countries I have visited and will adorn myself with them.  The travel bug has bitten me quite hard and I’m already planning my next couple ventures.  I should have a second flag by the end of next week, and will need to have some catch up flags done when I get back home.

Life awaits.

Jumped out of a perfectly good plane.

Friday was a day which I marched directly out of my comfort zone and didn’t look back all day.  I am still riding that high today and feel invincible.  So I advise anyone and everyone to do that thing you are hesitant to do.

Stop wondering what it will be like and find out what it is like.
No one is going to push you out there, fucking jump.
Gravity works on all of us, as do the rest of the laws of physics.
Embrace the chaos that is everywhere, even in your supposed safety, you aren’t safe.

Jump, and enjoy the view.

Cheers from Norwich, England.

Meanwhile in England…

After months of waiting I have taken the leap to explore the world.  I started out with what could only be referred to as an “easy” beginning, and am currently visiting England.  This is largely friendly territory, in fact friendly to a fault.  The English are truly a humble and generous people from all I gather.  My hosts are absolutely incredible and I am honored they allowed me to stay with them.  They don’t understand what a great service they have done for me and I’m certain I can never repay them.

I’ll not name them out of respect but I am forever grateful for this opportunity they have given me.  The opportunity to get the hell out of my comfort and time zone.

This is only the beginning, 2 flags to fly in one trip.  Not too shabby, though.

Cheers from the land where everything has sausages and gravy (just about the highest order compliment that exists).