51 days away.

Just like that, I remembered that in 51 days we are going to Scotland.

All of the major booking concerns are out of the way and now I need to sit down and focus on exactly what I’d like to try and see while we are there. My muse is busy plotting out the entire course of the trip down to the most minute details and I am reminded of our polar opposite styles when it comes to travel.

Whereas I spend time up front arranging the logistical concerns to get there and back, it is important for her to have a well-detailed plan for every day. She will orchestrate this incredible series of events and I will enjoy higher levels of comfort than I might otherwise if I were flying solo. She helps me see the most things possible in the brief time we will get to spend abroad, and I’ll make sure that she can actually enjoy the things by providing my typical calm and level temperament.

What matters most to me is the adventure itself. To have the distinct privilege of going on this adventure with her makes it a success to me and we haven’t even gone yet. I am overjoyed that it’s so close, but my focus continues to narrow on the first couple of travel days that I know will be rough.

Softening the blow of international travel takes almost an entire day of your time when you arrive. When you come back, you don’t even care how much of your time gets lost to exhaustion, you just want to get home. During both of these times, it’s important to try and stay present and aware of how you are treating your company. I will try and keep this in mind while we are in it and as always do my best to keep her near me in the calm.

I am confident that Scotland will be a place I love, but now I must do some research to discover the exact reasons I already know that is a fact.

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