Travel insurance.

I have been tasked with a paid writing assignment to discuss the merits of travel insurance, and it kind of makes me giggle. The way these companies discuss coverage it’s like they are ready and waiting with a helicopter to come rescue you in the event of an emergency.

But if you dig into the fine print even a little bit, you’ll realize that these companies will do anything and everything to deny your claims. This could mean you are left to abandon your plans altogether or even worse, pay off some massive hospital bill in a foreign country.

I’m not saying that it’s a ripoff, given that the average expense is about 5-10% of your total trip cost, but I am saying that like traditional insurance of all varieties, you’ll probably never end up needing it. Insurance companies feed on your insecurity and play it up with nightmare scenarios of broken bones, hospital stays, and canceled, non-refundable arrangements. I am sure that there have been people who have had to endure these kinds of trials, but I believe they are the exception and not the rule.

All travel requires a certain amount of due diligence. If you are the sort of person that requires a little extra peace of mind, consider picking up some travel insurance. But just like your travel plans, you need to apply some diligence to your travel insurance provider as well. Dig deep and see what is really covered and look for unbiased reviews from people who actually had to file claims. Buyer beware as always.

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