The itinerary for Scotland has begun to take shape and we have established where we will be for each day of the trip.
Every day will feature many points of interest and thankfully most of them are not time-sensitive. It’s tough enough to be on time every time for events that happen when you’re at home, but it’s even harder when you are in another country and there is a lot more on the line.
Edinburgh has become a central focus for the trip and I am excited to see the city I have only witnessed in drool-inducing posts on social media. It seems to be the cultural heart of Scotland, but that is just the opinion of an unversed outsider.
The parts of Scotland I most look forward to are definitely the natural scenery and old architecture and ruins. Some of the oldest human societies set up shop here and left behind some impressive artifacts that have stood the test of time through thousands of years. We are going to lay eyes on things that were put in place before we had even begun to fathom what we would make of the world.
It is only 40 days until we set foot on the soil of Scotland, and the excitement grows every day.